Sunday, November 2, 2014

Kitchen lights!!!!

Hey guys!

I am back with another small post for the kitchen this morning. I didn't get the chance to post this the other day, and I know it is small, but I am super excited about it. You see, we wanted some light in our new pantry, but my husband didn't want to go in the attic and run new wires for yet another light in there. The one in the middle of the kitchen had enough wiring that all he had to do is move it. This would be all new, not to mention, it would shine bright on the top couple of shelves but not near the middle or bottom. I wanted something that would light up everything.

Remember in the last post when I said we left one of the outlets in the pantry and didn't move it????? Well we are using that for the lights that we put up.  Our genius little minds decided to us these..............

They are Christmas rope lights!!!!! They are plugged in and they have little attachment pieces which we have used to keep them in place on the inside of the door casing. It lights up all the way to the floor now. They were $19.99 at Target and we have lights in the panty. Now my smarty pants husband says he can fix them to come on when the door opens and go off when it closes. We will see how that works out. If it does I will be posting a video to the page for you to see how to do this at home.  I know this is something small, but these little things (little cheap things) really get me super excited!!!!

The door that we are going to be hanging here is a door from an old 1928 house that was going to be torn down, but we use Craigslist almost everyday looking for something. My husband saw this and we drove 30 minutes to Greensboro to pick it up on afternoon. Note a new 24" door is about $100 at Lowe's or Home Depot. Our door which we had to sand and now paint before going up was only $3. Yep you read that right....just $3.  So, the lights and the door were some super savings where some things may run you over in pricing, others will be a steal like these. This is how you try and keep to your budgeting.

I really hope everyone is enjoying our journey through the sweat and sometimes tears here. Will post again this week coming.  Until then, get busy on your projects, and share a few if you feel like it.


  1. Tracy this rope light idea is genius! I never would have thought to use them for something like that - but they work so well! I might have to work these into my "Dream Apartment" somewhere ;] Thanks!
